September 11, 2013

English courses set up right for you!

Nabírám nové studenty! Novoroční předsevzetí udělat konečně něco se svou angličtinou nevyšlo? Začněte na podzim a k Vánocům ode mě dostanete vysvědčení o vašem pokroku :)
Nabízím individuální lekce pro dospělé, zaměřené přesně na oblast, kterou potřebujete zlepšit. Máte komunikační blok? Se mnou se rozmluvíte. Potřebujete si ujasnit gramatiku? Jasně a srozumitelně vysvětlím. Jedete do zahraničí? Nacvičíme vše potřebné.
Mojí oblíbenou částí je odnaučování všech těch chyb, které jste se naučili na střední :)
Příprava na FCE a CAE. Učebna v jazykové škole blízko Hradčanské v Praze 6. Ceny vstřícné.
Pište na Určitě se domluvíme.

I am opening new courses!
Individual classes for adults. Tell me what you need and I will provide you with a course set up exactly according to your goals. Is your speaking clumsy? Are you insecure about the correct use of verb tenses? Are you going abroad and need a quick kickup? FCE or CAE?
Anything you need, ask me.
Course prices moderate.
Classroom near Hradčanská, Prague 6.
My email is I'm sure we can make a deal! :)

July 6, 2013

More confusing and often confused words

Even the headline of this article is confusing, isn't it?

As we have suggested in a previous article, there are words in English that speakers often confuse and use them incorrectly. And don't worry, sometimes even native speakers make mistakes!

Such words might present problems in spelling or pronunciation.

Let's look at a few examples of

March 25, 2013

How to get further with your English

This article is based on an article which describes how to improve your Czech. It is of course meant for expats who live in the CR and are learning Czech. But the principles are the same for any other language. Out of 15 original ideas, I chose those that seem especially helpful and changed Czech to English.
Let me know what you think!

Decide if you’re a visual or aural learner and proceed accordingly.
If someone gives you his telephone number do you remember it? Or do you need to see it written out? Those who answered “yes” to the former are aural learners and should focus more on

March 18, 2013

Idioms in pictures

Good evening my estimated readers!

I know I haven't been very prolific lately so I decided that I have to treat you with something more entertaining than just another article.
Instead of putting together bits and pieces about grammar points or vocabulary, I searched for pictures with English topics. I was looking for something that would have a direct use and would be amusing enough to keep your attention. And as I think such an idea might produce a nice colourful series, let's put the pictures under topics and publish those separately.
I have had these pics in my computer for some time now and

January 18, 2013

British vs American English - the basics

This is a topic that many people like to talk about, especially if they are native speakers. Sometimes they spend hours talking about how this and that is different and stupid in the "other" English.
However, there is not only British and American English, there are tens of different English dialects in the whole world.
Today let's just briefly look at the main grammar points in UK vs US English.

(adapted from

British people and American people can always understand each other – but

November 25, 2012

Illness, disease, sickness? That is our business!

The last blog post was on a medical topic, so let's go on with it. Today we have here some collocations, i.e. words that often go together, this time about illnesses.

First, let's look at some collocations about becoming ill. There are a few ways how to express what has happened to you:

catch a cold/an infectious disease/the flu/

November 20, 2012

Fun in the hospital?

Want to practice determiners? (a/an, the)
And have fun?
Does it sound impossible? Well, practicing grammar while reading jokes is far more enjoyable, I'm sure.

Here are a few:

November 14, 2012

How to cope with new vocabulary?

Learning new vocabulary can be tricky. Different people have different ways of remembering new vocabulary. Some people prefer to drill learn lists of words, others like to learn new words in the context of the whole sentence. Whichever is your case, here is some advice how to understand and learn better.

1) If you come across a new word, try to guess the meaning from the context. Think of the situation that the language describes. If someone is describing how they won in a competition, you might hear words such as

November 11, 2012

How many colours can you name?

According to popular opinions, men see much fewer colours than women. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but you can try and name colours in the picture and see if you're a man or a woman :)

My friend said that the words on the left cannot be

November 6, 2012

Other vs. another

Do you confuse 'other' and 'another'? Not sure when to use which?

Here is a short review of the grammar behind those words.
Apart from these rules, I also tell my students: you hear 'ANother', that's quite like the indefinite article 'an', so you have to use it with singular nouns ONLY.
 I hope that after reading this article you will be again a bit better at English ;)

Another and other are similar words that are often confused. Let’s have a look at how these words are used.

We use another when we talk about “one more of the same thing” that was already mentioned.

  • I had a cup of coffee, but I want to have another